CAA Visit to Long Island

Join the CAA this October 9-12 as we visit historic Long Island, New York.

CAA Trip to France

Embark on a Journal with the CAA this Fall to France!

CAA Membership

Membership in the CAA provides you with many benefits. Learn about becoming a CAA Member and join our community of carriage enthusiasts from around the world.

Representing the Past, Present and Future of Traditional Carriage Driving! The Carriage Association of America has introduced thousands of people to the wonders of collecting these vehicles and the pleasures of driving them. 

Our Mission

Maintain a nonprofit association for the exchange of information regarding all aspects and use of animal-drawn vehicles and an accurate source of technical information for the benefit of its members and the general public. 

Nonprofit Status

The Carriage Association of America, Inc. (CAA) is recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization under the IRS tax code.  Donations to CAA can qualify as a charitable deduction.    We offer several convenient ways for you to help support CAA. 

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